Welcome to Intelligent Automation Month

ABBYY hosted a series of expert-led webinars in September to market our first Intelligent Automation (IA) Month. You can catch up on everything you need to know about how the latest AI advancements are changing the future of work by watching on-demand sessions now.

ABBYY has been working with AI for decades, and we know the best practices for implementing this technology to affect meaningful change. Experts from ABBYY and our partners will take you on a journey of digital transformation to explore the three key components of intelligent automation: Intelligent Document Processing, Robotic Process Automation, and Process Intelligence. You’ll see how these leading-edge technologies combine to revolutionize the way you do business, put your information to work, and accelerate your journey towards operational excellence.

Sign up for the following sessions to learn how you can accelerate your digital initiatives to reach your business goals faster

Drive automation with Process Intelligence

Uncover the power of process intelligence and see how it has emerged as a new approach to drive real business results. ABBYY’s Chief Technology Officer Scott Opitz will be joined by Marty Pavlik, Generative AI and Intelligent Automation Leader at Doculabs, to explore how process mining tools have evolved into powerful process intelligence platforms designed to handle the broadest range of use cases and provide deeper insights that accelerate process improvement. Join us to learn

  • How process intelligence complements and extends business intelligence tools by exposing the overall structure of end-to-end processes
  • The importance of supporting all process types, including the increasingly challenging highly variable ad hoc processes found in many use cases
  • How low-code/no-code platforms empower citizen analysts to take advantage of process monitoring, prediction, and simulation capabilities
  • How strategic partnerships with process intelligence experts such as Doculabs are enhancing the intelligent automation journey for ABBYY customers
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September 14

Make the business case for IA

Move to the next level of your automation journey. Bruce Orcutt, SVP of Product Marketing at ABBYY, and Ashwin Gaidhani, Analyst at ISG will help you understand

  • Common hurdles in adoption of Intelligent Automation
  • The impact today’s economy is having on IT budgets
  • How you can build a business case and prove ROI with decision makers
  • Where organizations are prioritizing projects
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September 21

Customer panel with innovation leaders

Join us for a groundbreaking panel discussion, where Shashank Tripathi, Practice Lead, Capital Markets & Wealth for IBM Consulting – Financial Services; David Pewitt, VP of Intelligent Automation, AI and DataOps at Deloitte and Swaraj Kumar Padma, Automation Delivery Head at JLL will share

  • Best practices for beginning the automation journey, from identifying optimization opportunities to making the case for stakeholder buy-in
  • Tips and tricks, dos and don’ts, and more first-hand lessons they learned along the way
  • The real-world results from their automation initiatives and what they see next on the horizon
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September 28

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